Everyone Should Know This: How to Survive a Heart Attack When You are ALone!


Everyone Should Know This: How to Survive a Heart Attack When You are ALone!

Each year, more than 730,000 people have heart attacks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most of those individuals are females. Many of them die because they are alone, and they do not make it to the hospital in time. Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack and reacting proactively are two crucial survival aspects. The following is some information on how someone can survive a heart attack while he or she is alone:

Everyone Should Know This How to Survive a Heart Attack When You are ALone

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Know the Signs

A person cannot combat an unknown enemy. Therefore, people should make themselves aware of the most common heart attack symptoms. The most common symptoms of a heart attack are:

  • Pain in the arm and chest
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sweating
  • Numbness
  • Fatigue

A sufferer should take action upon recognizing any of the previously mentioned symptoms. The first thing the person should do is contact the number to emergency services. Most people call the 911 number to obtain assistance for a heart attack. It is best for the affected person not to conduct any activities that can overwork the heart any further. However, the paramedics may take a while to come to the rescue because of distance, traffic and the like. The endangered party will want to take an aspirin as quickly as possible. The aspirin will work to prevent blood clots from forming.

MORE: Signs & Symptoms That You Could Have a Heart Attack Next Month

Staying calm is important during a heart attack. The affected person will not want to put any pressure on his or her heart while waiting for the ambulance. A good piece of advice is for the affected person to lie down with the head upright and attempt to text message a friend or family member who can assist. The friend can assist with CPR if necessary. He or she can provide comfort and consolation, as well. Anxiety sometimes plagues heart attack sufferers, and the anxiety makes the symptoms worse.

Getting to a hospital within one to two hours is crucial for survival after a heart attack. Consumers can prepare themselves for unsuspected heart attacks by creating an emergency kit that can fit into the medicine cabinet neatly. The kit should consist of a box of aspirins, and the person should have the names and numbers of at least two people who can help.

Many people survive attacks because they think of a survival plan beforehand. Staying healthy and keeping stress levels down to a minimum is the best way to avoid experiencing a heart attack.


  Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.