Foods that favor muscle toning


Foods that favor muscle toning

What are the best foods useful to improve muscle tone? If you want to improve your muscles do not miss what diet you must follow to get the best results.

There are many people who begin to exercise with the intention of toning their body and increasing body mass.

Muscle toning is related to the tone of a muscle, that is, how hard that muscle is when it is at rest. It is about exercising it to strengthen it.

Body mass is linked to the amount of matter present in the human body. This concept is associated with the Body Mass Index (BMI), which consists of associating the weight and height of the person to discover if the relationship is healthy. According to the figure obtained from the aforementioned calculation:

  • If the number obtained is below 18.50, it is established that the person in question has a low weight.
  • If the result is between 18.50 and 24.99, it can be said that the person is in a normal situation in terms of weight.
  • If the result obtained is between 25 and 30, it will be said that the person is overweight.
  • If the figure is greater than 30, it will be said that the person has an obesity problem. Between 30 and 34.99 will be slight, between 35 and 39.99 will be average and if finally if it exceeds the figure of 40 we will talk about bite obesity.

Tonificación de los músculos

What can we do to gain muscle mass apart from exercising?
To gain muscle mass it is convenient to take a series of foods that have a high percentage of proteins and also taking carbohydrates and unsaturated fats.

Why are proteins needed?

They are very necessary so that stronger and bigger muscle fibers can be formed which will make us resist the intensity of physical exercise.

What are carbohydrates necessary for?

It is the main source of energy and they are necessary for immediate muscular work. When carbohydrates are depleted they pull on secondary energy, called fats.

How will we know if our food plan is adequate?
-It will have to contain 30% of proteins: we can find them in lean beef, skinless chicken breast, low-fat cheeses, fish, eggs.
-Amount of 50% carbohydrates: present in rice, pasta, wholemeal bread, quinoa, oats, potatoes, lentils, vegetables, fruits.
-20% in unsaturated fats such as olive oil, sunflower, nuts.

Alimentos para los músculos

Do you know the most suitable foods that will help us in toning our muscles?

Eggs: the largest amount of protein will be found in the clear. It is recommended to consume a maximum of 1 or 2 eggs a day. The egg whites, however, can be consumed with fewer restrictions, and are a somewhat faster digestion protein, ideal for pre-meal or post-workout.

Milk and cheeses low in fat and salt: being low in fat content do not contribute much fat to the body and also provide good nutrients to build muscles more easily. They contain quality animal proteins.
Lean meats and fish: veal is rich in creatine, which improves muscle mass, reduces body fat and increases endurance. Regarding the fish, tuna, mackerel, and salmon are a good contribution to their contribution in omega 3.

Goat’s yogurt: goat’s milk has a high protein content and is less fat than cow’s, providing digestion much faster than cow’s milk.

Oats: it offers us proteins of high biological value, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It is the cereal with the highest proportion of vegetable fat, 65% unsaturated fats and 35% linoleic acid. It contains carbohydrates that are easy to absorb fiber, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, vitamins B and E. It also gives us a lot of energy before training.

Quinoa contains good protein reserves and does not lack the amino acid lysine, so its protein is more complete. It contains high levels of potassium and riboflavin, iron and vitamins of group B. It is a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese.

Legumes: contain fiber and high amount of proteins of vegetable origin and carbohydrates. Recommended lentils and soybeans.

Nuts: provide healthy proteins, fibers, and fats, helps our digestion to be somewhat slower, so that their amino acids stay longer in the body and promote sleep. Recommended nuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Olive oil: its monounsaturated fats prevent the degeneration of muscle tissue and take care of the joints, something that is essential before training.
Carrying a rich protein diet will help us in the repair of muscle fibers more quickly and efficiently. Physical exercise is important as a complement to achieve our goal that will be toning.

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