Things You Should Know About Dual Diagnosis Treatment


Things You Should Know About Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Though still relatively new in the realm of treatment and recovery, dual diagnosis treatment centers are gaining recognition across the country for working to help people truly recover from the setbacks they have encountered. The notion of dual diagnosis recovery is a merger between addiction treatment and psychiatric healthcare. This dynamic approach has great benefits for patients hoping to recover from dual diagnosis disorder, as rather than having to focus on one issue before addressing another, they’re able to work toward resolving both conditions with adequate professional help and support. But what is dual diagnosis recovery, and how does it work? Today our team explains what you need to know.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual Diagnosis Disorder Is Fairly Common

Because virtually any combination of mental illness and an addictive condition, a considerable number of rehab patients may be eligible for treatment under a dual diagnosis program. Numerous studies state that up to half of all those afflicted with an addiction disorder also suffer from some sort of mental illness. When you consider that as many as one in five of all Americans have some type of metal illness, and one in eight have a substance abuse disorder, the potential for overlap between those populations is staggering. Though the chicken-and-egg discussion about whether people have developed mental illness as a result of addiction or vice versa could go on for days, the reality is this is a complicated condition that requires nuanced care to overcome.

Treatment Is Difficult

It stands to reason that when you’re tackling two issues as pervasive as mental health and addiction it may take a while to get to the root of things and find a new way forward. Dual diagnosis treatments are difficult for many centers because they require truly bespoke planning and support. What’s more, in the initial period of a residential rehab program, it can be difficult for therapists and other staff to determine where a patient’s symptoms are coming from if they are being treated for co-concurring conditions. As such, not all treatment facilities have the capacity to provide the right environment for a person with dual diagnosis disorder to recover. Because recovery is complex, it is important to acknowledge that a patient with co-concurring conditions may remain in the residential rehab setting longer than someone who is just undergoing treatment for addiction.

Treatment Is Essential

For those struggling with both a mental health condition and a substance abuse disorder, seeking treatment is vital to survival. In many cases, the addiction and mental health condition effectively feed one another, creating a spiral of chaos in the life of the person trying to navigate them. For many it isn’t a question of when they will hit rock bottom, but whether the fall will kill them. This is why experts maintain that rehabilitation and treatment are essential for a dual diagnosis patient’s survival. So, as you help your loved one investigate residential rehab facilities, a few key things to be on the lookout for include:

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  • Personalized approach:

    a good dual diagnosis treatment program has to be tailored to the patient’s specific addiction and mental health issues, if you get a hint of a “cookie cutter” solution being offered, find another rehab center.

  • Evaluation and Diagnosis:

    Having a clear diagnosis for the conditions your loved one will be treated for during their residential rehabilitation program allows you to learn about their post-treatment needs, and insures they are receiving appropriate care.

  • Medically Supported Detox:

    Because dual diagnosis adds a layer of complexity to an already difficult issue, medical detox support is an important aspect of successful rehabilitation.

  • Personal and Group Therapy:

    Providing both one-on-one and group therapy as part of the integrated recovery and treatment program is a solid hallmark of a good residential recovery program. Variable therapy settings help patients find ways to express themselves more readily and allow for flexibility in post-residential treatment. What’s more, providing a framework for whole family healing is vital to true recovery for dual diagnosis patients.

  • Aftercare:

    How a rehab program handles caring for patients who’ve completed their program is also important.

With a compassionate, personalized care plan, patients with dual diagnosis disorder can thrive following residential rehab.

  Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.