The Health Risks Of Alcohol Consumption Among Women
Consuming high amounts of alcohol can have drastic health effects, taking its toll on the entire body. It is believed that no alcohol is safe to drink. Well, this is not entirely true. Various studies have proved that alcoholic drinks such as wine offer incredible benefits, ranging from providing relief for inflammatory conditions to helping with polycystic ovary syndrome. As long as moderate consumption is practiced, there is no reason to be worried. Unfortunately, alcohol intake has increased in the last years. People enjoy drinking alcohol on different occasions, whether it is to celebrate an accomplishment or compliment a nice meal. Men used to be the outsized alcohol drinkers in society. This does not mean that women drink more than men or that the gender roles have changed, but rather that more and more people drink. As far as women are concerned, alcohol affects them differently. In this article, we will discuss the health risks associated with alcohol consumption.
There is a close connection between alcohol abuse and depression. To be more precise, women who drink like a fish are more likely to succumb to depression. Alcohol is a depressant, which translates into the fact that it alters the chemical balance in the brain and inhibits the normal functioning of the central nervous system. alcoholic drinks do not make you feel sad while you are under the influence. On the contrary, you experience a state of joy, as the alcohol relaxes the mind and puts you at ease. If you have one too many drinks, though, you achieve the opposite effect. You start experiencing negative emotions. The feelings of sadness are due to alcohol, which lowers serotonin and norepinephrine levels. The outcome is that you feel down in the dumps. The more a person drinks, the higher the chances are that they will get the blues. Attention should be paid to the fact that depression and alcohol consumption go hand in hand.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women from around the world. What is more, is the leading cause of death among women. The question now is: Can alcohol increase the likelihood of getting breast cancer? Actually, yes. What happens is that alcohol increases the levels of oestrogen and other hormones which are associated with breast cancer. The World Health Organization has been making tremendous efforts to raise awareness regarding the connection between alcohol and cancer, trying to reinforce this very important message. If it will be successful, only time will tell. For the time being, women of all ages are receiving the message about alcohol consumption and breast cancer likelihood, which is a great thing. Women can significantly reduce the odds of getting sick by reducing the amount of alcohol they consume. Moderate alcohol consumption does not favour breast cancer. Small amounts of wine, for instance, is good for the health.
The inability to carry a pregnancy to term drastically impacts women from an emotional standpoint. It is impossible for them to bear the thought of not having kids. Women want to start a family and are disappointed when they find out that they cannot make their dreams come true. What many women do not know is that alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on fertility. Medical professionals at Help4Addiction state that alcohol consumption has serious implications for a woman’s fertility, in the sense that it makes women less fertile. At this point, it is not clearly understood why this happens. What is sure is that women who are preparing to get pregnant should not drink alcohol anymore. Abstinence is recommended to ensure safe foetal development. Harmful drinking means having more than two drinks a day and even binge drinking. The point is that women should not feel guilty about having a glass of wine every now and then. However, they should not exaggerate and stay away from hard liquors and drinks with high alcohol content.
Liver inflammation
Women’s bodies are affected differently by alcohol and it is not just because they are smaller in size. According to recent studies, women produce higher amounts of ADH which is released in the liver every time alcohol gets into the body. It, therefore, does not come as a surprise that they present with acute liver failure. Alcohol abuse causes the liver to become inflamed and swollen. Acute inflammation occurs because the body is desperately trying to fight against the noxious conditions. What is important to remember is the fact that the liver sustains the greatest injury. With time, constant alcohol consumption leads to the destruction of the liver cells. Unfortunately, female drinkers are more at risk when it comes down to liver health. Medical experts are not able to explain why this sex is more susceptible to experiencing damaging effects.
Men worry about aging just as much as women do. Yes, they are concerned with the way they look and many of them take measures to slow down the aging process. While aging may be a common concern, it is harder for women to deal with it. Why? Probably because they have not yet developed the ability to live the truth. Everyone ages and there is nothing to be ashamed about. Women are beautiful at any age. Getting back on topic, drinking habits can negatively affect the aging process by causing wrinkles, loss of collagen and elasticity, redness, dehydration, and so on and so forth. Alcohol is one of the worst things. It is important to be on the lookout for the visible signs of drinking and be careful so as not to develop a dependence.
Final considerations
There is nothing wrong with having a drink every once in a while. However, immoderate consumption is dangerous to health. Women should keep alcohol consumption at a low level to maintain their health and not fall victim to addiction. Consuming too many alcoholic drinks can be damaging to health, both in the short and long term. It seems that the principles that apply to men cannot be applied to women.