These 2 Men Ate Chipotle for 107 Days in a Row! Look at Their Different Results!
These 2 Men Ate Chipotle for 107 Days in a Row! Look at Their Different Results!
Most of us love to visit our local Chipotle every once in a while to indulge in a delicious burrito or a healthy salad, but can you imagine eating Chipotle everyday for over 6 months? Well, for one man, Chipotle has become a daily meal.
Andrew Hawryluk, 23, loves Chipotle so much that he visits local Chipotle restaurants around Los Angeles, CA and enjoys the same meal everyday! He may have never thought he would last this long because the routine started as a joke between him and his brother, but it is a joke that has now continued for over 150 days and has cost him $1,500! You would think that Andrew might have a missed a day or two within the last 6 months, but you’ll be surprised at the lengths he will go to keep up his record.
Andrew Hawryluk, 23, from Los Angeles, CA has recently become famous on social media for eating Chipotle everyday for over 150 days. Many followers expected a similar story to the 2004 “Super Size Me” McDonalds documentary, but you would never guess that this story would be the exact opposite. Andrew has maintained his amazing physique and many others are joining the trend. Mark Rantal is following in Hawryluk’s footsteps and has eaten the same burrito bowl from Chiptole for 107 days straight! It seems Mark and Andrew now have a friendly competition in the works.