Am I in labor? Symptoms that indicate that labor is approaching


Am I in labor? Symptoms that indicate that labor is approaching
What are the signs that can warn you that you are already in labor? Find out what are the alarm symptoms that will help you to know if you are going to give birth already.

Around week 37 of pregnancy, delivery may be imminent. Although first-time mothers almost always give birth after 40 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, there are also premature births.

There are a series of symptoms that indicate that labor is approaching. Often times they are false alarms, but it is convenient to know what they are and, above all, be prepared to go to the hospital. It is better to be forewarned and not have to run away when any of these symptoms appear repeatedly.

Síntomas de parto

Helpful symptoms that can help you know if you are already in labor
Every woman, a world.
While there are a number of symptoms that are common and announce that labor can occur at any moment, it is important to note that every woman and pregnancy is different. Since not all pregnant women present these symptoms in the same order or with the same intensity. Some, even, do not get to notice all the signs.

The contractions…or should we say…expansions.
They are one of the most important symptoms that indicate that the delivery is approaching. Although contractions can begin at any time during the third trimester of pregnancy, the signs are in the frequency and intensity of the contractions.

These small pains or repetitive discomfort in the abdomen can occur intermittently, of great or lesser intensity and with or without pain. Normally, contractions that already indicate an imminent delivery are usually painful, and quite often, strong and regular, last between 30 to 60 seconds and occur every 5 to 20 minutes. Having this information allows you to control it with the clock and go to the hospital.

Lower abdomen
As the delivery approaches, the abdomen descends because the baby lowers and gets in position to prepare for the big moment. It is usually placed and fit into the pelvis, which puts pressure on the lower part of the abdomen.

In any case, it is not a general rule, since there are pregnant women who may have lower abdomen for several weeks and others who do not have it and can be delivered immediately.

Señales del parto

Ejection of mucous plug
It is another symptom that is quite identifying that labor is approaching. The mucous plug or mucous and thick discharge is usually expelled as a result of the dilation of the uterus.

The vaginal discharge may be lost for several days or suddenly. This intense vaginal viscous flow is usually accompanied by blood, being pink or brown. It is something that usually scares the pregnant woman thinking that something is not going well, but it is usually for this reason and more if they already spend 40 weeks of pregnancy.

In any case, in the presence of blood or a darker color that leaves the vagina, it is preferable to always go to the hospital center.

Strong abdominal pain
It can indicate many things, but normally this pain is accompanied by contractions. That is to say, everything is united. The abdomen can also be quite hard before giving birth, but some women already have it for weeks before.

Other signs
The pregnant woman is usually much more irritated than usual, she may also have insomnia or drowsiness during the day as a result of not sleeping well. These symptoms can be common in almost every month of pregnancy, and depend on one woman to another.

Some useful recommendations
It can also happen that the baby moves too much, or on the contrary, we notice that his activity is less. In this case, it is advisable to call the specialist the next day or not to wait for many hours in case something of urgency happens.

Consejos ante el parto

In case of any doubt or alarm, or any symptomatic change, it is always better to go to the emergency room so that the pregnant woman can be treated and examined properly.

As delivery can happen at any time, by week 38 it is preferable to have the bag that is carried to the hospital with the clothes of the pregnant woman and the baby already prepared.

In childbirth classes, they usually teach how to detect the symptoms of childbirth. A very useful help to know how and when to act, what to take to the hospital and to be able to control the contractions in the moment they hurt the most.


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