Infusion recipe for flu
Infusion of influenza
Infusion recipe for flu prepared carefully with plants and herbs beneficial against influenza and colds, thanks to its benefits.
The arrival of wind and rainy season marks the beginning of an era in which change tends to change gradually (although we can also find more abrupt changes in time, which have a greater impact on our health).
It is usual that after the change of season, and the passage of a hot period to a colder time, our defenses suffer, and our immune system weakens.
An appropriate option is to increase the defenses from the month of September, following a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, practicing physical exercise and, in certain circumstances, opt for a vitamin supplement but only on a timely basis (and always with advice doctor).
It is essential to follow a series of basic tips to prevent influenza, which helps in many cases to prevent the spread of seasonal influenza effectively.
But when the flu or the cold settles in our organism, the plants and herbs can be very useful to us, in addition to – of course – follow the basic tips to know how to recover from the flu.
Today we want to propose the development of a wonderful flu infusion, which besides being beneficial to reduce fever, alleviate the decline and reduce general discomfort, is adequate to increase defenses:
20 gr. of Echinacea
15 gr. of elder
15 gr. of willow bark
1 liter of water
Preparation of the influenza infusion
First, boil the equivalent of one liter of water in a saucepan. While the water starts to boil select the indicated plants. Before it starts to boil, add the herbs, and leave to boil for 3 minutes.
After this time, turn off the heat, cover and let rest 2 minutes. Finally, sneak and drink.
You can drink 2 to 3 cups a day until the symptoms subside.