A Guide to Essential Oils and Their Uses


A Guide to Essential Oils and Their Uses

Essential oils are organic products with numerous healing properties and are extracted from plants. For thousands of years, people have used essential oils to treat a variety of health issues. You can use the healing oils for mental, emotional, and physical health improvement. Here are some of the most common essential oils and their uses:

A Guide to Essential Oils and Their Uses

Peppermint Oil

If you have a tension headache, you should try this oil. It contains menthol, which is known to dull pain, as it is a natural anesthetic. According to some studies, applying peppermint oil to your forehead is just as effective as taking acetaminophen for relieving pain. However, you should not apply this oil directly on your skin because it might cause irritation.

You should dilute it with a few drops of carrier oil with an unscented base then massage this mixture into your skin. If you suffer from stomach discomfort, you can use peppermint essential oil to alleviate it. To be on the safe side, you should buy a coated tablet at your local drugstore, as it is safe for internal use.

Eucalyptus Oil

If you are congested, you should use this essential oil to clear your chest and nasal passages. Eucalyptus oil acts as an expectorant and is 100 percent safe to use because it is natural. Just boil some water and pour it into a bowl then add a few drops of this essential oil and lean over the steam for instant relief.

However, you should not try this natural remedy while you are pregnant; make sure that you consult a doctor before using any essential oil when pregnant.

Tea Tree Oil

If you are battling skin breakouts, this guide for essential oils will come in handy. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties, which means that it reduces the bacteria that cause pimples. To use the oil effectively, you should mix four tablespoons of aloe vera gel with five drops of tea tree oil and use the mixture as a toner for your skin.

Tea tree oil can also help you to get rid of dandruff on your scalp. All you have to do is add a few drops of it to your shampoo and you will notice fewer flakes on your scalp.

Lavender Oil

If you are feeling stressed, you should use lavender oil to alleviate your mood. The scent of this essential oil calms your nervous system, making it useful for treating stress. You could mix the oil with water and use a spraying bottle to mist the air or add five drops of lavender oil to your bath. Moreover, you can massage lavender oil into your skin to relieve sore muscles.

Clove-bud Oil

If you have a toothache or mouth sore, you should use clove oil to soothe the pain. Eugenol, a chemical found in this essential oil is an antibacterial and analgesic, making it great for treating mouth pain. In fact, temporary fillings have some clove oil in them.

If you want to get rid of bad breath, you should mix one drop of clove oil into a cup of water and gargle the mixture.

A Guide to Essential Oils and Their Uses

Jasmine Oil

If you need a mood boost, you should try this oil. According to research, jasmine essential oil reduces stress when massaged directly into the skin. Just add five drops of it to some carrier oil and rub into your shoulders. Jasmine oil also improves concentration and makes you more alert.

Not all essential oils are made equal. This means that you should research the origin of the essential oil before buying it. Make sure that you get a certified USDA organic essential oil.


  Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.