Man Almost Dies from a Simple Paper Clip Cut


Man Almost Dies from a Simple Paper Clip Cut

Everyone has had a paper clip cut at some point in their lives. Most cuts have successfully healed with proper home remedies. However, unfortunately, this was not the case at all for Michael Berger, a 46-year-old New Jersey man who developed an infection after a simple paper cut. Known as sepsis, comatose Berger came close to losing his life due to a common paper clip cut. He was given a fifty percent chance of surviving and was saved after being hooked up to a hospital respirator.


What is Sepsis?
Sepsis is a complication that results from the body’s overwhelming and  life-threatening reaction to an infection. Tissue damage, organ failure, and unfortunately death can be the results. Annually, 258,000 people are killed from sepsis.

Causes of Sepsis
Any infection can lead to sepsis; It can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. In addition, pneumonia, abdominal infection, kidney infection, and bloodstream infection is also likely to lead to sepsis.

Who Develop Sepsis?
However, it is most prone in people 65 years or older and children one-year-old and younger. It is also common in people with weakened immune systems, individuals who are already sick, people who already have other wounds or injuries, and those who are on breathing tubes. Individuals who are always in the hospital are also more susceptible to developing sepsis.

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Symptoms of Sepsis
Sepsis ranges from less severe to more severe. The less severe sepsis symptoms include a body temperature above 101 F or below 96.8 F, a heart rate higher than 90 beats per minute, and a respiratory rate higher than twenty breaths per minute. In a more severe sepsis, symptoms are a significantly decreased urine, major and quick change in mental status, platelet count decrease, breathing difficulty, abnormal heart rate function, and abdominal pain. When these symptoms become very extreme, sepsis shock can occur. In order to have sepsis shock, symptoms of severe sepsis must be present in addition to very low blood pressure that does not adequately respond to simple fluid replacement.

How To Treat Sepsis
Because sepsis is considered a medical emergency, it should be treated as quickly and efficiently as possible as soon as it has been diagnosed. It is extremely vital that sepsis is treated quickly because When sepsis is diagnosed, treatment includes antibiotics, which is prescribed based on the kind of infection causing the sepsis. IV fluids is another treatment due to the fact that antibiotics alone will not help in treating sepsis. Saline fluids are used to fully hydrate the body to restore the organs that were damaged from the sepsis. Normal saline is a crystalloid fluid that contains minerals, such as sodium. It is water soluble which adds fluid to the bloodstream.

Preventing Sepsis
Because sepsis is caused by infection of the cut, it is obvious that preventing sepsis is increased by properly . The number step is washing hands before touching open cuts. Second, if the wound is simple and does not need stitches, rinse the surrounding area with clean non- soapy water. Third, apply an antibiotic cream or ointment. Lastly, cover the wound with a band aid to prevent dirt and other germs from coming close to it.

For that reason, it is extremely important to get immediate care when the less severe sepsis is visible. It can become more severe in no time, and Berger is a real life example of how severe sepsis can become. He was very fortunate that his life was saved from the dangerous sepsis. Know your body and get the care you need when needed!

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