What is Botox and why should I care?
Botox Cosmetic is a medical treatment recommended for softening the appearance of facial fine lines and wrinkles and to prevent future lines from forming. It is a non-invasive procedure that is safe and has been performed by medical professionals for over 17 years now. The FDA has approved Botox for certain areas and it should not just be injected anywhere. One of the biggest misconceptions is that Botox can be used to plump areas of volume loss, which is not how it works. It works by freezing the muscles allowing the outer dermis to appear smooth and preventing the skin from increasing the number of wrinkles as you move. The forehead, crow’s feet, and in between the eyes are examples of some of the most common areas where Botox is used for treatment. It is recommended that patients meet with a trained medical professional to consult where Botox is required and how many units are needed to treat the problematic area. The results can be very pleasing and boost self-confidence by improving a more youthful look for those who use Botox. Over time, when you continue to use Botox, it prevents future lines from forming. This in return allows you to maintain the youthful appearance as you age. If you have not tried Botox Cosmetic, but want to learn more or have an interest in the uses and results, you should reach out to your local medical aesthetics and schedule a consultation with a licensed injector.

In the consult, the injector may ask you to do various things such as frown, smile, raise your eyebrows, or even make an angry face, in order to determine where the wrinkles are most frequent and what muscles are causing them to show. After doing this, the injector may mark the areas of injection to get a clear vision of where he or she may be inserting the Botox. After doing so, they will confirm the number of units and may confirm the cost with the patient. The next step would be to cleanse the skin, take photos for the patient and provider to have a comparison of what the patient’s wrinkles looked like before and after, and then the injections may begin. The needle used is very small and most times can barely be felt. Some providers prefer to ice the area prior to the procedure to ensure patient comfort. The entire process usually takes just a couple of short minutes. Once the procedure is finished, the provider will cleanse the area once more and ask if you have any questions. There are a few certain restrictions the patient must adhere to after treatment. Some of those are not laying down or on the treated area for a certain time frame, and also not working out for a recommended 24 hours.
Botox usually takes between 10 to 14 days to work and show full results. After 10 to 14 days have passed and the patient can observe changes in movement, he/she is usually seen for a follow-up. The provider will check to make sure the desired outcome has been reached and the patient is happy with the results. The provider may recommend additional units to achieve the desired optimum results. However, if optimum results were already met, then the provider will usually schedule a follow-up treatment session in 90 days to treat again. Botox Cosmetic is said to last around 90 days, however, the results do vary per patient. Most medical aesthetics practices offer free and informative consultations that are available to anyone that has an interest in anti-aging injectable treatments such as Botox. Reach out to your local medical aesthetics clinic and schedule an appointment to learn first hand if Botox and other injectables are good for you.