Her Daughter Moaned of a Stomach Ache. The Reason Shocked the World!
Her Daughter Moaned of a Stomach Ache. The Reason Shocked the World!
Children are growing up way to fast these days. A story that solidifies that claim is the 10-year-old who gave birth a child. The mother stated that she noticed the child had become closed but did not recognize anything else. The child did not know she was pregnant, and neither did her mother. She complained at the school of a stomach ache and wanted to go home. A matter of hours later, she delivered a child.
Two Children at Risk
When authorities investigated the story, they found that the child had been abused by her stepfather. While the police took care of him and his wrongdoings, they also noted how lucky the girl was to be alive. In many cases, a child who gives birth under the age of 15 has a greater risk of dying during childbirth. Not only was the 10-year-old pregnant girl in danger, but the unborn baby was at risk too.
The Lack of Medical Care Causes Great Problems
Why is it so dangerous to give birth so young? First, the younger generation may or may not have noticed a missing period or even the start of ovulation. Systems are not always regular when they are first starting out. Additionally, the child may not recognize changes in their body. They may be fearful to ask for help, which means the unborn child does not get the medical care it needs. If there is a problem, the mother to be would have no idea for lack of adequate medical attention.
Prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid are essential in thwarting some diseases. Also, a pregnant teen that is not monitored by a doctor can have high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and other medical problems that are dangerous. When the parents are supportive, medical care is usually not a problem. However, if a teen is hiding their pregnancy from their parents, it can lead to no medical care at all. Such is the case in the above-listed story, except she did not know she was with child.
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The baby was born prematurely. At the age of 10, that girl’s body was not ready to carry a baby at all, let alone to full term. Her female parts had not finished growing and her frame was too tiny. It is a miracle the baby was carried as long as it was, let alone that it lived.
Statistics are Frightening
Statistics show that 26 out of every 1,000 babies born are born to underage mothers. While the numbers have dropped since 1991, thanks to campaigns to protect against pregnancy, still one out of every six babies born is born to a parent who is under the legal age. Both the mother and baby have unique medical risks that cannot be ignored.
Any baby delivered before 37 weeks, or in the weight category of 3.3 to 5.5 pounds, is considered premature. A child this small will need help from the neonatal care unit to be able to breathe properly.
After Birth Risks
A girl of 10 years of age has no way of dealing with the emotions that develop after the body goes through childbirth. In fact, many grown women have to get assistance from their medical doctor and prescriptions to counteract the “baby blues.” There is also the risk of disease and infection, especially for those who have been with a man. From conception until delivery, it is a huge risk for a young mother. There are so many health problems that can occur between her and the baby, and the risk of death is one that also cannot be ruled out.
Being pregnant is a big responsibility at any age. However, when babies are having babies, the risks seem to be great. It is always better to wait until a person is old enough and in a committed relationship to have a child.
Opposingviews.com Theguardian.com