5 Useless Body Parts No One Really Needs Anymore
5 Useless Body Parts No One Really Needs Anymore
Most people assume that every part of their body is beneficial and useful. However, this is not actually true. Our human ancestors may have used these body parts back when they were caveman, but they are unneeded in modern times. Now that we live indoors and do not have predators, most of these items are useless. Even though they are unnecessary, they still exist in almost all humans.
The Coccyx Bone

Human beings are very similar to monkeys, but one main difference in our anatomy is our lack of a tail. Though most humans do not have a visible tail, we all have a tail bone. The coccyx is three to five vertebrae that extend below the sacrum at the end of the spine. This tail is not actually visible, because it is tiny and hidden beneath the gluteus muscles. In very rare cases, the coccyx can be so long that a human is born with a tail. This is normally removed right after birth.
The Wisdom Teeth
The wisdom teeth are the molars that lie at the very back of the mouth. In the past, humans needed these teeth through tear through tough game and grind up grains. However, as time went by, the human skull got a lot smaller. Now many people find that they do not have enough space in their jaw for their wisdom teeth. When these teeth come in, they can cause pain, discomfort, swelling, and infection. Therefore, a lot of people get these unnecessary teeth removed before they even come through the jaws.
The Appendix
Most people only know about the appendix because it can occasionally become deadly. This tiny appendage hangs off the end of the large intestine. Back when humans mostly ate plants, scientists theorize that the appendix helped to digest them. Now, it does absolutely nothing, unless it gets infected. An infected appendix can rupture and potentially cause death. Therefore, doctors recommend immediate removal if a patient has a ruptured appendix. For unknown reasons, a 2016 study found that removing the appendix increased female fertility.
RELATED ARTICLE: What You Need to Know about Appendix and Appendicitis
The Auricular Muscles
If you have a pet animal, you may notice that it moves its ears around to catch unusual sounds. It turns out that human beings also have the muscles needed to move ears. However, human ears are so small and flat that shifting them around does not really aid hearing. Though we have the auricular muscles needed to move ears, all they can do is cause a slight wiggling motion. This may look silly, but it does not actually do anything beneficial at all.
Male Nipples
In females, these structures provide food for their offspring. However, all men have these useless appendages because of a weird developmental quirk. At conception, fetuses start out with female characteristics. The presence of the male chromosome does not start changing development for several weeks. During this time, male fetuses develop nipples. Though they have no use, they stay there for the rest of a man’s life. Some men are even born with extra nipples going down their chest. Scientists theorize that this is a strange genetic quirk that provides no danger.
Though most humans would not have surgery to remove unessential body parts, this removal process may be happening naturally. For example, more and more patients in the last three decades have been born without their wisdom teeth. Now that these body parts are not used, it may be more common for babies to be born without them. When these unneeded body parts malfunction, it is also common to have them removed. Since they are no longer necessary for survival, we can live without them easily.
Webmd.com Higherperspectives.com