He Poured Condensed Milk Over Chocolate Chips. Seconds Later, My Mouth Couldn’t Stop Watering
He Poured Condensed Milk Over Chocolate Chips. Seconds Later, My Mouth Couldn’t Stop Watering
If you’re like me, you probably love the taste of homemade fudge. Yet, it’s probably something that you don’t have very often, unless your mom or your grandma makes it for the holidays or something.
Your life is about to be changed by this video, though. I couldn’t believe it until I watched it myself. Once I saw him pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over a pile of chocolate chips, my mouth instantly started watering. Once you see this video, you’ll see just how easy it is to make homemade fudge in your microwave. Plus, you don’t have to learn how to cook or bake, and you don’t have to wait for your mom or grandma to make it so that you can satisfy your sweet tooth, either!
He Poured Condensed Milk Over Chocolate Chips| lockerdome
She Pours Condensed Milk Over Chocolate| This Blew My Mind