This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Are Fasting


This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Are Fasting

When people think of fasting, they most likely think of not eating or drinking anything. However, there are such things as a water-only fast and a juice-only fast – wherein you drink only water or juice. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, is eating at certain times of the day or fasting on certain days.

Fasting has incredible effects on your body. The stomach uses fasting times to clean itself for better digestion when food next enters the body. The liver gives up glycogen to fuel the body and, if the fast goes longer than 24 hours, fat reserves will be used. A water-only fast offers detoxification benefits, as does any fast that goes longer than 24 hours. This happens because toxins are stored in fat and when fat is used for energy, the toxins are disposed of.

However, those fasting must be weary. Pigging out, or eating a lot when you are not fasting, will render fasting benefit-less. This brings more to digest and detoxify into the body and, especially if it’s junk food, can render the benefits of fasting useless. Health benefits can be lost.

There is evidence that fasting can help with heartburn and indigestion. However, those who experience heartburn on a normal basis are advised to be careful when fasting. The sight or smell of food alone can sometimes cause the brain to order production of more stomach acid. If too much acid is produced or the valve at the bottom of the esophagus is faulty, the possibility of heartburn can be large.

RELATED ARTICLE: See What Happens To Your Body When You Restrict Your Eating Time Period To 8 Hours

Fasting has also been seen to stimulate stem cell regeneration. Stem cells are basically cells with a blank slate; they don’t know where they are supposed to be and therefore can go anywhere. The reason behind the regeneration is simple: the body tries to conserve energy so it will recycle damaged cells that aren’t being used at that particular time. White blood cells are a good example of this: they will be in lower numbers during a prolonged fast but the number spikes when food is re-introduced.

It is also seen that chemotherapy damage can be lessened or mitigated by fasting. Patients were asked to fast for 72 hours before a chemotherapy session. The results showed that the same stem cell regeneration mentioned above activates and helps keep some of the chemotherapy damage away. The toxicity benefits were also activated and helped immensely in the chemotherapy session.

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